
Pixelverse Clone Script - Launch Your Telegram Tap-to-Earn Crypto Game

Create a trending Tap-To-Earn Crypto Game like Pixelverse with our 100% customizable Pixelverse clone Script by covering all the earning features.

Pixelverse Clone Script - Launch Your Telegram Tap-to-Earn Crypto Game

Introduction to Pixelverse:

In the Telegram-based gaming market, Pixelverse is the emerging and Sensational Tap to earn games in Telegram Games. Pixelverse was launched in March 2024, during the short span this game will add 15 million players and launch its Mini game in a telegram in June. Will follow in the footsteps of previous web3 games like StepApp and Notcoin. In Pixelverse player will start this combat mission on the Planet named Xenon in the cyberpunk universe. Play to collect aircraft and crafting robots and convert them into NFTs.

This Pixelverse XYZ Game was designed with a cyberpunk universe where users may take part in battles, craft bots, and explore a robot quest system. The structure of the game is based on player versus environment (PvE) and player versus Player (PvP) Modes.

What is Pixelverse Clone Script?

Pixelverse Clone Script is the ready-made source code of the famous Tap to Earn telegram game Pixelverse, having the same Functions and features as the Tap to Earn model, NFT Integration, decentralized, Wallet integration, and interesting cyberpunk aesthetics. This Pixelverse clone script enables the investors to launch their Tap to Earn and Play to Earn Gaming platforms like Pixelverse with Blockchain Integration Users May Experience Strong core gameplay elements with an Immersive Gameplay experience.

Key Features of Pixelverse Clone Script:

Bot Customization: 

Players can create and enhance their robots each one featuring unique capabilities and attributes, For use in battles and other quests.

Telegram Game:

Pixeltap is the telegram mini-game version of Pixelverse it is a telegram-based quicker game that enables players to participate in daily quests and win rewards

PvE and PvP Battles:

In the game developed by our Pixelverse clone script Players may participate in battles with Ai-controlled players (PvE) and battle against other real user players (PvP) in the gaming arena.

Quest System:

The game includes a unique quest system that challenges the player to face multiple obstacles and foes and offers rewards and bonuses for the successful completion of quests.

Airdrops and Rewards:

This game may feature an airdrop campaign, where participants and players can get PIXFI tokens for engaging in different missions and activities and creating their avatars.

Blockchain and NFT Integration:

This Game will be designed and integrated with web3 and blockchain technology to build unique NFTs for every bot, enabling players to upgrade, buy, and trade their digital assets.

Community-based Game:

This game was developed on a prioritized community engagement, that actively comprises the player's feedback on their upgrades and updates to enlarge the overall gaming experience.

Revenue Model of Pixelverse Clone Script:

In-App Purchase:

Signing up and playing our Pixelverse game clone is free and Players need to purchase a PIXFI token for certain upgrades and participate in arena battles. This purchase may bring great revenue for the business.


Placing in-game ads like Video ads and display ads like banners and interstitials that players may view while playing.

Subscription Service:

Offering premium membership on a monthly and yearly basis and providing benefits like extra air drops, items, access to new content, and Battle passes for players to level up 

NFT and Blockchain Integration:

Selling rare & unique game items, characteristics, and artworks as NFTs.

Why Hivelance is the best place to develop your Pixelverse Clone Script?

If you want to start your Tap-to-earn gaming Platform Like Pixelverse XYZ, Hivelance is the best place to develop your Pixelverse Clone script with an immersive gameplay experience. Our team of developers who are pros in game development will offer the investors to launch their leading Play-to-earn gaming Platform With our Pixelverse clone script with premier security features and a rich gaming experience. 

Get in Touch with us to learn more about Tap to Earn game Development, which is important to create a profitable gaming Platform 

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